First Trip to DC…
I had the opportunity to visit DC with my sons as part of a school trip last week. It was the first time any of us had been to DC. We were able to visit many of the monuments, memorials, Arlington National Cemetery, Gettysburg, Mount Vernon and more. One of the places was the Vietnam Memorial. Mainly I know people who served and survived as opposed to those who did not, but I realize from the stories that I have been told from those who were there, that the line between being on that wall, and coming home alive was far thinner than any of us who were not there can understand. Seeing the wall for the first time, I was a mess. Because you see things like this.
This kid understands. Many adults do not. Between this memorial and the Cemetery/Tomb of the unknown at Arlington, I hope that all the adults and students in our group understand that there are many families in our country that gave their sons, fathers, brothers, to have them never return. This so that we could have the the freedoms that we have today. There is not a way that we can fully show our appreciation. But we should try everyday.